"I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." –Christopher Reeve
I would like to welcome you to The Children's Aid Home Programs of Somerset County, Inc.'s website. We are privileged to work with heroes every day. These heroes are the children in our care who have overcome great adversity. We are committed to supporting our children and their families by offering a continuum of quality services.
We are quickly approaching our 19th anniversary in our new home. It is thanks to the efforts of our extraordinary board, staff, auxiliary, volunteers, donors and community members that we have been able to respond to the diverse needs of children and families facing adversity. I would like to say THANK YOU for your generous support of our programming.
Our new Children’s Home has afforded us a solidly laid foundation to support the work and effort of so many. Our growth and accomplishments are many and are measured by the success of our children. I'm humbled and privileged to work every day on behalf of our most precious resource-our children.
~Lynne M. Sablotski
Executive Director